Published inFlutterWorldFlutter/Dart: Design Pattern- SingletonDesign patterns are important when it comes to software development, and choosing the right one gives us a lot of headaches. Singleton…Oct 2, 20212Oct 2, 20212
Published inFlutterWorldFlutter: Equatable & It’s usage in BlocIn Dart or any language, We always find it difficult to compare objects and return results. If we do not implement it correctly then in the…Jun 10, 20211Jun 10, 20211
Published inFlutterWorldFlutter: Bloc Mystery | Part 1As the title suggests we are going to learn some exciting stuff about Bloc and its usage. Also will cover some of the advanced concepts…May 29, 20212May 29, 20212
Published inFlutterWorldFlutter: Null SafetyAs a developer, we always struggle to handle NullPointerException which causes a lot of time and money while developing software. It has…Mar 23, 2021Mar 23, 2021
Published inFlutterWorldFlutter: Perform Background JobEvery application does some kind of background work which required to be performed for data storage, API usage, hardware events many more…Feb 13, 20215Feb 13, 20215
Published inFlutterWorldFlutter: AVATAR VIEWFlutter has a CircleAvatar widget that comes with very limited functionality, to solve this I have created my own flutter lib called…Jan 17, 2021Jan 17, 2021
Published inFlutterWorldFlutter: MVVM ArchitectureModel–View–ViewModel (MVVM) is a very established architectural pattern when it’s come to software development. What is so special about…Dec 13, 20208Dec 13, 20208
Published inFlutterWorldFlutter Obfuscation And Build OptimizationOnce we are done with the development of the app somethings are really important like code security, app size, and obfuscation. This blog…Dec 9, 20201Dec 9, 20201
Published inFlutterWorldFlutter: Run function repeatedly using CRONThere are times when you want to run some tasks periodically, and to do that we have two things in a flutter.Oct 31, 20201Oct 31, 20201
Published inFlutterWorldFlutter: How to scroll to a specific position in ListView?There is always a problem with scrolling in ListView inside Flutter, so here I am coming with an example where we can scroll to a specific…Oct 4, 20202Oct 4, 20202